My Mama is Ch Blackjack's First Class Willow from Canada. So I am haff candyanian. Daddy is a Ch too whatebber dat is. Ch.-- oh my. Ch. First Class Breve Latte of Dusan. I is got two points for whadebber dat worth. MomPerson not showing me much I no like put my tail up for she. She reely like to win an I no care so rite dere we gots dis whatchallit...dispewt. I veery hansome. MomPerson finking dis yeer gone be da YEER OB CONLEY. An we gone show more.
Dis me playin in da snow. I lubs da snow. I borned in Wizzkonsinn so I nose about snow an colt an I dont mind it much till affer I gets inside den I gets colt.
When I come live here dere awreddy two odder Bassets, Nigel an Lewis. Dey brudders. I mean real brudders. Same lidder. Same mom and dad. I sorry I nebber met Ms Zelda. Nigel say she wooda eeten me alive but Ise a liddel puppy an betcha she wooden.
Also living here Mr. Cooper Sir who name reely Ch.Midnight Acres High Noon. He sik now wif sumfine callt cancer. But he git along ok wif juss 3 legs an he teeth. I lernt early on not to mess wif Mr.Cooper, altho he very nice to puppies.
Dis me and anodder pikshure ob me cuz it my birfday so alla day picshures should be of me. I don't fink I getting enyfing speshul. We dont, youshually.
Love to everbuddy,
Conley now two