(I have returned her twice to her yard when the fence was still up . She figured out how to bypass the "gate". Hopefully, they will put in a real gate this time.)
The boys have been out twice: once at 3 and again after they ate just now, but the presence and distress of Maddie the Beagle makes them bark AND, Maddie and the boys fence fight, and I mean that in the very literal sense.
With all those long ears and loose lips I am afraid someone will get grabbed through the fence and really hurt, so when Maddie is out and about I try to either go out with them or keep them in.I have no photos of Maddie but imagine a hot dog bun with feet. A very stout hot dog bun. But small. She has liquid amber eyes and an expression that suggests she is very street-wise.
Angel actually waddles, but quickly. Her eyes reflect her total confidence that you are her next best friend in the whole world especially if you happen to have a treat. Her tail wags almost all the time, taking most of the rear end with it. If you put a little hat with flowers on her and an apron, she could easily pass for Aunt Tilly, just through whipping up lobster rolls, chips, iced tea and a praline tart (Angel strikes me as a Southern Gal. Sort of Paula Deen.).
I have been watching a starling. It found something "large"--thumb sized-- in the grass, carried it to the sidewalk and began pounding it repeatedly on the sidewalk. I do not know what it was but it seemed to be trying to get away. I suspect it was a wasp. This went on for about one minute, the object slammed onto the sidewalk,pecked, slammed again. Finally satisfied the bird ate a little of it and then flew off with it. Does this qualify as tool use?
It is going to be hot and humid; the humidity is holding sounds very close to the ground. People are getting up now. Maybe I'll take nap.