Saturday, December 22, 2012


Ho ho as we await Plumber #2.
We have no workable bathtub.
Usually it is the Microwave that goes out on the eve of a Holiday on which we are having guests, even if it is just family, but this year the screw-up gods upped the ante and cursed the bathtub.

The first plumber, a charming young man, worked for a long time and said the tub could not be fixed, that we would have to
1. tear out the kitchen cabinets to get to the pipes or
2. tear out the tub to get to the pipes.

We think perhaps there is a middle ground. But we don't know that so we have to pay ANOTHER plumber to come out and either fix what the first could not, or validate the first's opinion.

Plumber #2 said he would be here yesterday afternoon but was unable to get here so is here now, this moment, at 8:30 in the morning, much to the consternation of the [crated] dogs.

Hope, as they say, springs eternal. It would be nice to have a shower before Christmas day...


Two days ago I cleaned the backyard without a coat. This morning it is 14 degrees. But we have sun, for the first morning in I don't know how long.

                                                 OOOO SQUIRREL!!!

Meanwhile, Life goes on. We did not get more than a smattering of snow. Enough to eat, but not enough to recognize as an alien encounter. Since Doc eats everything, he ate the snow. Every morning lately, he looks taller than he did the day before.

All the boys, including Mr Biskit and I, wish everyone a Happy Holiday.