Saturday, August 6, 2011


Dis be Llewis. Me with da rogue leg an funny back. Cause of dese things I cannt get up on the furnitshure less it got a stair and not everthing here do. DOes. (I m  trying to yuse my books so this eezeeer to read for youse peopels what dont like bassetese..)
We all got crates scept Cooper the Belgian sheepsdog. He like to sleep in mine durin da day and he drool all ober my speschul crate pad bought speschul so I dont haveta try an liff my rogue leg ober stuff: it flat.
At nite me and Conley an Nigel sleep in our crates an Cooper he get to rome loose. Sometime he sleep wid DadPerson sometime MomPerson an sometime needer.
At da house we usta hab--dont nose where it wented. One day it rained inside an we zip off to da--nebbermind. Story for anodder time.

Anyways at da odder place I sumtime get to sleep loose too. I cannot get up onna bed or nuffin nothin like dat so I leeb MomPerson alone an sleep onna couch (got stairs) or dog bed in da odder room. Dat fine. Dis place I go back inna crate.

Here I is in my crate an Cooper done took ober Nigel's. Youse can see how my leg don't bend an so affer awhile I gets uncomfurmable. (Dat NOT right...) Uncomformable. no. Uncomfortable. Dere we go.

So enyways I starts whinin. Yousually I starts about three inna mornin. An I not quit no madder whut an MomPerson she get reel mad. Finely she wise up an lass night she done leff me outta da crate. She let me sleep onna bed wif she. I no move around an let her shove me outta she way. Dis place she gotta bigger bed. It reel nicey. Conley an Nigel juss stare at me an not sayin nuffin.
Sorry. I not da ebil type. (snicker.) Hey! Dat a candy bar. I think I'm hungry. Wheres MomPerson? Mebbe I kin get a bisquit.

So keep whining my brudders. You win in da end.

Love an Drool, Llewis


  1. Way to go, Llewis! Whining always wins in the end. Hope you got your biscuit and you write very good (or should it be nice!)

  2. Yep! Whining works ebery time--fur ebery fing!! You go Llewis-
    I sure lubbs to do it too!
    da Lady Bianca
