Last fall I put my much maligned and rusted grill out on the curb for the trash.
The other day I decided I had to have a new grill, and since Menard's was having a grand opening I went and picked up (well it weighs 85 pounds. I didn't actually pick it up,other people did.) a new gas grill, a little fancier than the one I had and hopefully with an ignition that worked. I really hate lighting propane with a match
The grill is right outside the back door. Everything was great. Mr.Husband put the whole thing together while I stayed far away. Everything was fine until we came to the nice rubber hose that carries the gas from the cannister to the ignition and Mr.Husband and I stood and stared at it in horror , at exactly the kind of thing that the almost a year old puppy Doc LOVES TO CHEW.
(I would NEVER chew a garden hose.Look what I found!)
He is a hose dog.
He chewed our garden hose into pieces. Little pieces. This new hose, was not a garden hose, and the consequences of his chewing it were enormous. (kaboom). (He would only do it once.)
Consequently the grill now stands proudly behind an old ex-pen. Like many things in our home, it looks a little weird, but we sleep better.
So now I am grilling everything. We had burgers the other day and chicken.(a little dry).
The dogs stay in the house while I am cooking. (No, hubbie does not cook. Or Grill. That the man of the house always grills is a myth.)
The garden hose, which we had to buy since ours was in chunks all over the yard, is in one of those plastic hose containers and that, being plastic and another chewable, is in a metal dog crate.
(If you have too many crates and want ideas on how to utilize them, ask me.)
It's going to be a bit awkward but perhaps the hose will make it through the summer.
Me? I would NEVER!
Oh yes we know of other functions for doggy crates! Flowers from my M-in-Law's funeral had to be put in a crate so Miss Leia would not continue to nibble on them! Did not know till then she had a flavor for flowers!