Sunday, September 26, 2010


The weather was cool, breezy and perfect. This was the beginning.

Cooper watches carefully. Nobody must have too much fun. The watchdog watches intently to make sure this rule is not violated. However....Bassets rarely listen, even to him...

Things (Bassets in particular) seem to have a momentum all their own..
 And from that point on, it is useless to yell, bark, rattle boxes of treats. All you can really do it stand back and watch.

It looks worse than it is. I had at least not yet mowed the lawn, so nobody had turned green. That came later.
Sometimes there is even a time-out, but these are rare.

Then it starts all over anyway

And then it stops again, and there is quiet. And the Two Brothers watch their world.

And so it goes..... Until at long last
everyone is kind of worn out at least for a little while--