Thursday, December 5, 2013


This is First Class Tonic With a Twist. Aka "Conley" He has several AKC points toward his Championship and then he decided the ride was over and quit putting his tail up. The rule is "no tail, no ribbon".  Bassets, like Beagles, are supposed to appear overwhelmed with joy at being in a dog show. Conley's opinion of dog shows was NOT joyous.
He will be 5 or 6 the 29th of this month. Of the three Bassets, he is the only with testicles and while he has never had the opportunity to use them as intended, it does a lot to explain his attitude. And he has one.
This is also Conley in one of his favorite places and one of his favorite positions doing one of his favorite things. There is that song, "These are some of my favorite things" and there are only two or three things:
tormenting the Belgian
ignoring commands, demands or suggestions.
Not necessarily in that order.
As a puppy, Conley had a Thing for knives and scissors which he would take off the counters and carry around the house, daring Nigel and Llewis to play with him.
Conley Scissormouth.
He has a Thing...
...for the backs of furniture.
This is the couch. He has fallen off that perch several times and been trapped behind the couch, but has never gotten hurt.
Conley is the most photogenic of the dogs. (Ssssh. Don't tell.)
He has an ego that demands that he be in front, on top, up high, first in line. This has recently caused some abrasive incidents between Conley and our still-growing Belgian, who also sports  testicles and is just beginning to grow into them. As yet, Doc the Belgian tends to give way, but I can sense that this may easily change someday soon.
Conley, not a big fan of really cold weather, nonetheless loves to play.
Puppy Conley. He was a real cutie.
Meeting the Black Dog before he became a BIG black dog.

Things were not always good even early on. Doc had baby teeth.
Conley did not care for them.

Conley discovers the advantages of stairs. This is one of my favorite photographs of him. Barely visible, he had been up and down the stairs several times and finally, refused to leave the top. It was quiet, and it made him, literally, TOP DOG.