Friday, December 9, 2011


For awhile now I haven't been out with the camera, and I really miss it. I like to include photos in what I write.
Not only have I not been out with the camera, but there really hasn't been much exciting to write about, unless you guys would like an illustrated lesson on how to put a urinary catheter in a male dog, or how to put Nigel in his cart. My life seems to have taken on his dimensions.
So anyway I went through my photos and now have decided just to overwhelm you with horse pictures. Some are from long ago events and some are less long ago but I haven't been anywhere, either. So here goes. Forewarned is forearmed.

Ok well it isn't a horse. This is what happens when you choose bull riding as a profession.
   This is what a smart horse does when the Bull turns his attention from the Bullfighters and the rider to something else....
                                            This isn't a horse, either. It's a lava flow in Hawaii. I was attracted by all the color, but you cannot stand on it in sneakers because it melts the soles of the shoes.

                                                        I just like this
                                American Saddlebred Royal show

Not a horse.
Not another horse.