Sunday, November 28, 2010


So. Last evening my nose was really congested and bothering me so I decided to take a couple of John's Coricidin. It comes two to a little blister pak. Conley was of course sitting on my feet "helping", in case I dropped a steak or something that needed his immediate attention. I popped the packet open with my thumbnail and thought I felt something hit my foot. I turned the packet over and it was empty. It was unlikely John had left an empty thingie in the package which meant the Coricidin, with 325 mgs of Acetaminophen in each pill, had fallen on the floor at the large feet of my Basset.

I got the Flashlight. The pills (they are technically Tablets because they are coated) are fire engine red and my rug and floor is ignored dark. No tablets. John came and assisted. Nothing. I looked at Conley and knew that somehow he had managed to snarf up those pills.

Mr Innocence peered back at me, thumping his tail.

I grabbed the phone and called the Vetspital. I got Dr. Johnson, a dear friend as well as a wonderful Vet. She listened and said "Make him vomit. Hydrogen peroxide, 5 ccs, followed by 5 ccs of water. Keep it up until he vomits."

So I grabbed a leash, a husband, a syringe (No needle) the peroxide and a glass of water. It was dark outside and cold so we settled on the warm, well-lit kitchen floor. I shot the peroxide and water down Conley and waited. Did it again. Waited. I was conscious of every tick of the clock. I had, I figured, about 20 minutes to get those pills out of him. I did it again and he started with The Pre-Barf Look of Consternation. Then he puked.
Instantly I am on my knees picking through the slime.
John watched with a look of profound distaste. I said "When it's my dog, I can do anything." And I knew it was true.

Some food. Some grass. Some stuff I would rather not think about much less describe to others. No pills. Nevertheless, we went through the whole thing a second time.

I picked through it all. He puked a total of about 8 times until it was just foam. Nothing. No pills. Nothing that even faintly resembled a pill even maybe partially digested. We were clean. Conley was still puking.

He has a show in the morning. Ringtime is 8 a.m.

Finally he stopped barfing on my kitchen floor. I was scrubbing already. The instant he stopped he lifted his empty little head, wagged his tail and asked for a biscuit. Which he got. He trotted off happily, none the worse for wear as I continued cleaning the floor and the throw rug (throw-up rug?). Then I staggered to my feet and thought once again about the virtues of raising African Violets.

I have never known an African Violet (which I actively dislike) that had to be made to vomit.

At three this morning Cooper woke me to go out and have diarrhea and then to vomit all over the new doormat, the kind with the little spikes on them.  This is, apparently going to be a trend.

And it is becoming a long weekend........