Wednesday, December 28, 2011


It has been a strange day. Up and down. At first I got up early hours and tried to take Nigel out to express his bladder. DOWN. He is heavy. He didn't WANT  to go out. I couldn't see. Have you ever tried to see if your Basset is peeing in the dark? Even with a flashlight: how do you hold the dog up, express his bladder, and hold the flashlight? Suggestions welcome.
So I puff puff puffed into the house, tucked everyone back in and went back to sleep.

When I got up my montly stipend had landed in my bank account. UP. I immediately ordered 2 CDs and a DVD. Fed the dogs, cleaned the kitchen, took my shower and headed out shortly after John had left for his day of volunteering.UP. I went to Michael's and did not find what I was looking for. Canvases were 40% off and every one I looked at was warped. DOWN.

Went on to HobbyLobby only getting lost once. Called GPS system aka "John", or Husband. Got directions. Got to HL. Found exactly what I needed for twice what I had hoped it would be: DOWN/UP.
Spent more than I wanted but when I got home and went over what I had it was fine.UP.

Started cutting the first print block. It came out exactly as I had hoped and I printed it and was delighted. UP. Got the news that  Teddy Basset had passed away and that Bazzle had as well. Major DOWN.

Cut the second block. It sucked. DOWN.
Heard Beth Hinchcliff was out of surgery and going home a in couple of days, MAJOR UP UP.

Did another sketch and happier with it, cut it. Happy with the cut but have not printed it yet. With luck it will be a good partner to print number one. UP? (Won't know until later.)

First print: Part one.
             There is more to this. Much more. I hope. UPDOWN.