Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Apparently I have not had the stereo on since I got Doc. This is entirely possible as I do not always listen to it: I will go months without turning it on. He knows about the box with the pictures and sound. Sound without a picture is new.

This morning I put on EmmyLou Harris's DUETS. Whoa!! Whazzat???

I am watching him trying to work it out. I can tell from his look that it really worries him, this sound without a picture. "What kind of magic is this?  Why wasn't she happy with just the box with pictures and sound, the one with the big dogs running after the other big animal? That was very exciting, and I watched it, and I liked it. And there was the one with the music and what she said was a piano. I liked watching the hands. But what is THIS?"

"I am looking around for the picture. For the big dogs or the hands. But nothing. I don't understand."

"She does these things that absolutely freak me out. Like, why does she run out and pick up our poop? She knows if she just left it we would clean it up for her. The Bassets taught me that. Mmmmmmm.

Yes nevermind. Which is why I run out and pick up the poop. The Bassets have taught him some very bad habits.
And I might add, he bites. Yes he does. When he is very excited he bites us from behind, grabs our clothing which really annoys the Biscuit Man. And he bites my butt of which there is plenty. I have never had a Belgian do this, altho I have seen others do it. It is a very bad thing to do, open to mis-interpretation. It is a herding thing, which makes me fear for any sheep I might eventually try Doc with.

Nevermind again. He is still a baby.