Monday, November 18, 2013


​This is about Doc and his neverending Quest for squirrels.
About 10 feet behind our back windows there is another structure which has become the neighborhood blight and fire-trap. (Seriously). Years ago squirrels gnawed a hole in the soffit and began nesting in there. We paid no attention and sometimes in the morning I would see the babies poking their noses out of the hole, watching me watch them.
Nigel discovered them originally and set up the first Squirrel Patrol long before Doc was even born.
                                  (Nigel on squirrel patrol long ago.)
Now, apparently, the baton has been passed.
This morning, when they were outside, Doc discovered a squirrel IN the "summerhouse" (not hard: no screens) then it ran out, up the drainpipe and into the nest site.
AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! and right in FRONT of him!!!! Berserker time. OMG he went totally insane trying to get up a ladder, trying to get into the summerhouse, leaping straight up in the air maybe 4 feet off the ground, snapping and (of course) screaming.
I made him come in. I have no photos of what happened next, alas.
Doc ran inside and stood, forepaws on the windowsill, staring at the summerhouse. Inside it was a squirrel. Doc tapped on the window. The squirrel ran out of the summerhouse, up the drainpipe, across the roof and leaped onto the windowsill of our house, separated from Doc by a window and screen.
right in FRONT of him OHMYGOD!!
That we have a window left is miraculous. The squirrel dashed along the sill past the kitchen window and there was Doc trying to climb into the sink, all the time screaming, bellowing, leaping crashing-- you get the idea.
And when I walked back through the dining room after picking up dishes and dish towels and mopping up water, I glanced up at the summerhouse and
Oh no.
Oh please no....