Thursday, November 10, 2011


I was up with the dogs at 4, this is typical. I happened to look out the window and of course it was pitch black and for some inane reason (you will find that word applies to this particular blog because who else cares what I think at 4 in the morning.) Anyway I remembered the little rhyme:
Red sky at night
Sailor's delight.
Red sky in the morning
Sailors take warning.

And I cannot remember NOT knowing that rhyme, and wondered why I knew it--I certainly don't sail-- and when I learned it and who taught it to me.
Then I thought about an incident that occurred at the International Dog Show one year:

I had Cooper and was walking around with him, and a man and his daughter stopped and wanted to know what he was and could they pet him. The girl, who was about 10, asked me his name. I said "Cooper" and she said "Does he make barrels?" and I laughed and said "No, but that is VERY good!"
She had this huge smile and her Father, and John who were standing nearby, frowned and said "I don't get it."
I said,"Cooper-- his name is Cooper. A person who makes barrels is a Cooper."

This little girl was so thrilled. She knew something her FATHER didn't know, and someone else appreciated it and understood. The look on her face was wonderful, she just glowed.

When I told a friend about it, she who was then still teaching, said "She learned that at school, in some unit they were studying." and I thought yes, she had, and wasn't it cool that she knew that.

So to all of you who are teachers, or were teachers or are going to be teachers, I thank you on behalf of that delighted little girl and a wonderful memory.