Thursday, January 17, 2013


We had a little snow and it went away. Then we had a couple of really chilly days when the dogs didn't want to stay out.
Now it's mild again (relatively speaking, of course: it IS winter.) and the boys want to be out in the yard, building forts, shooting bb guns and pushing and shoving.

Doc has grown a little more, but he still looks like a coyote.
When three are out, there is non-stop barking, but when two are out, it is fairly quiet.
Therefore, I let Doc out to play with Nigel, who, being down in the rear stays in one spot (he doesn't but he did today.) and Doc will stay close and play with him.

                       Nigel, so dignified. Outside in the sun.

                Doc, outside and looking for...well...trouble.

      Oh Hey Nigel. You wanna wrassle? Hunh? Ya Wanna hunh?

  Mmmmmmmm. I dunno. I kinda like just sitting here, y'know?

                       Yeah uh hunh yeah I guess you sure?

You know what I just noticed? Your head! It''s...

                                      upside down!!!


You poor thing. No wonder you're so weird. Here, let me ...

              ....  Fix that for you. There! Now let's go in,okay?

Really, you'd think he'd figure it out, wouldn't you?