Sunday, July 10, 2011


It is very early--oh, not so--not quite six. The beagle next door is outside and wants in and is wailing piteously. Sometimes they let her in, other times they dont. The dog across the street, a black, super friendly basset-spaniel mix named Angel has been out, discovered her fence is down (they are re-building the fence) and started off but her Mom caught her at it and called her back.

(I have returned her twice to her yard when the fence was still up . She figured out how to bypass the "gate". Hopefully, they will put in a real gate this time.)

The boys have been out twice: once at 3 and again after they ate just now, but the presence and distress of Maddie the Beagle makes them bark AND, Maddie and the boys fence fight, and I mean that in the very literal sense.

With all those long ears and loose lips I am afraid someone will get grabbed through the fence and really hurt, so when Maddie is out and about I try to either go out with them or keep them in.I have no photos of Maddie but imagine a hot dog bun with feet. A very stout hot dog bun. But small. She has liquid amber eyes and an expression that suggests she is very street-wise.

Angel actually waddles, but quickly. Her eyes reflect her total confidence that you are her next best friend in the whole world especially if you happen to have a treat. Her tail wags almost all the time, taking most of the rear end with it. If you put a little hat with flowers on her and an apron, she could easily pass for Aunt Tilly, just through whipping up lobster rolls, chips, iced tea and a praline tart (Angel strikes me as a Southern Gal. Sort of Paula Deen.).

I have been watching a starling. It found something "large"--thumb sized-- in the grass, carried it to the sidewalk and began pounding it repeatedly on the sidewalk. I do not know what it was but it seemed to be trying to get away. I suspect it was a wasp. This went on for about one minute, the object slammed onto the sidewalk,pecked, slammed again. Finally satisfied the bird ate a little of it and then flew off with it. Does this qualify as tool use?

photo from Google

It is going to be hot and humid; the humidity is holding sounds very close to the ground. People are getting up now. Maybe I'll take nap.