Thursday, May 12, 2011


I got some new stuff to try on Cooper for storms. I am not sure what is in it but it smells suspiciously as if it has VitB in it. When I bought it I read the directions and it said give a teaspoon etc. Now having lived through trying to give a dog a teaspoon of anything I knew right away this wouldn't work but I figured I have an eyedropper marked with mls and could figure it out. Yeah right.
The eyedropper contains 1 ml. He gets 7 to 10.
This stuff STINKS.
Cooper's opinion of the taste was similar and altho I had him trapped there was a lot of head-slinging and spitting going on and I ended up wearing a couple of mls of if plus I had it all over my hands and it is sticky. And did I mention: IT STINKS.

This was last night. Of course the storm went north of us. We got nothing. I found Cooper staring out the front door but I don't think the stuff did much else.

I went to bed early and every time I got my hands near my face I could smell this stuff, even tho I had washed my hands over and over and put on lotion. I finally used some of that sanitizer with about a half a bottle of alcohol in it.

This morning, I can still smell it on my hands. Gaaaah. Clearly when I turned down the Tech's offer of a syringe I made a terrible mistake, one I plan on rectifying asap.


Meanwhile a friend's Basset, one who I really like (I like most Bassets but some are more likeable than others) has been desperately ill. He is very young, and for awhile it looked as if he had some kind of major tumor. She (owner) has lost two other dogs in the past 6 months or so and now it appeared that she very well might be losing another.
Yesterday he went for an MRI and yesterday morning I got an email from another friend saying her Elkhound mix has bladder cancer.
Needless to say it was very depressing. While I waited for word on the MRI and waited for my other friend to write and tell me what they were thinking of doing for the Elkhound, I decided to go paint, just to get out of the house and away from my ever-darkening thoughts: got to the Gallery and learned that a 20 yr old Shih Tzu belonging to one of the artists had died that morning.


Well ok the Basset does not have cancer but has a whopping infection of some kind, generated by an unknown factor, possibly a foreign body but they could not visualize it on the MRI. So $6000 lighter, my friend (That was not just for the MRI but other diagnostics) has him home and on antibitoics while they wait for the results of the culture to see which antibiotic will be the best. And he is feeling better but still swollen up she says, "like a mutant Shar-Pei".
The dog with bladder cancer may have surgery or not-- they are still trying to work through that decision. He is twelve years old and currently very happy, with no inkling that he is desperately ill.

I have not called the artist yet to express my condolences altho that is on my list of things to do today.

And then there is this smell on my hands......

                                               Some weeks are just like that.