Monday, January 31, 2011


Is NEVER going to end never never. It is going to go on forever. There will never be another spring.
Not this week anyway, according to the weatherman. Men. More than One. All of them. Even the ones who are always wrong agree this time that the midwest is due to get socked with a good, old-fashioned, midwestern Blizzard.

As long as the power stays on, I will only be a little psychotic, not a lot. If the power goes out longer than a couple of hours I will be big-time psychopathic, homicidal, paranoid, delusional...all of it.

Brudder Elwood's good Mother called me tonight to see if I was ready for this storm that is supposed to dribble in tonight and then really get going tomorrow evening. I did go to the store. When I was talking to Debbie I suddenly realised that like any devout dog person, the dogs were taken care of-- I had bought ten pounds of hamburger for Cooper, extra treats and checked the kibble bin.
Also I got nothing for us. No extra toilet paper or candles or water or bread or eggs (I have eggs) and no contingency plan for the hundreds of dollars of food in the big freezer if THAT goes out again.

I have decided if the power goes out we will somehow get the dogs to the Animal Hospital and board them,
 and just stay there at the AH with them. Why not? It's pretty much how we live now.

Back to winter.