Monday, October 21, 2013


Leave it to me to look for news on television at 6 in the morning and instead find a program about dog breeding. Well it was a Smithsonian presentation so of course early morning routines ground to a halt while I watched. Doc watched part of it. He tends to watch commercials because I think they are more apt to have jerky movement in them, which catches his herder's eye.

Like squirrels do.
And stray cats across the street. Someone moved out and left their little calico kitty who now has had at least two litters, and the Village, our wonderful, on-top-of-it Village, our Tell-Them-Nothing Village, says feral cats are------------are you ready?
And therefore out of Animal Control's jurisdiction.
Is that amazing, or what?
You want to know what's feral in this Village? Well I cannot put it in print. Admittedly there are bigger problems than feral cats but maybe if they started small...nevermind. Sorry.
Doc and I are going for a walk in awhile, while I still can move. The later in the day it gets the stiffer I become, until by 8pm I am like the tinman without oil.
Also the temp is dropping precipitously. It was pleasant at 6 when I let the beasts out, and it is now 45.

Alas, these days of sleeping in the hot sun, are gone..........