Thursday, August 16, 2012


Yesterday I spent a lot of time trying to get Picasa to work and it just wouldn't. I could not load photos from the camera to Picasa and it is the only program I could find that had that option.
I was vexed.
(Isn't that a lovely word? It covers a multitude of sins.

Anyway I had a lot of other stuff to do-- like buying food for the dogs-- and eventually had to leave the computer uploading updates and go run errands.

                          (Dog with empty food bowl as a reminder.)

So off I went and I was gone most of the morning. (Yes, the dogs had eaten already once. I know you were thinking wow, poor dogs.)

When I got back and finally got back to the computer it had kind of self-immolated. It was frantically trying to fix something and was really spinning it's gears. I turned it off and then, of course, it would not turn on.

Oh no, it said. You went away and left me on. Bad Bad.

Figuring I had nothing to lose I began tinkering with it and finally it started up again and then went right back to whimpering about the updates and not being able to run.

  (Dog outside after attempting to help fix the computer for me.)

Finally I got it to agree to run and a friend told me how to see what updates had been loaded. I loaded the rest and since then the Computer has been fine, but I have the feeling that it is only a matter of time....

(Dog commenting on my lack of techno skills.)

Meanwhile I went back to Picasa and since I had done everything else I decided to try the simplest thing-- another card. It worked.
Ok, so my big card was kaput.
I mentioned this to husband who said well is it formatted?
Format.... no of course it wasn't. It had somehow become unhinged and unformatted.

I formatted it. Now everything works but.....I know it is a cruel ruse on the part of the computer to lull me into relaxing.

I just stuck this on here for a change.
It was taken at a cat show.
(Yes, dogs: they show cats.)