Thursday, January 12, 2012


Wo bist der snow shovel? Kemo Sabi? (Who knows where the snow shovel is? Not I. Ah, the husband has it: good.

There is only a little on the ground now but it is sticking and it is snowing as if it really means it this time.
Commonwealth Edison is parked in front with their tree-trimming truck. The guy sitting inside waiting to find out if they are really going to be trimming trees in the snow is Esteban. I know this because I asked them to move the orange cones from in front of the driveway, and I asked.

Now they have decided maybe tomorrow.

I don't know why they don't want to climb trees today. I told them to let me know and I would open the gate for them, and bring the dogs in.

It seems logical to me that this is the perfect kind of weather to climb trees and cut limbs down with power tools.

The dogs are out in it, why shouldn't those strange creatures in the bright yellow coats with the unpronounceable name on the side of the truck (Asplundh) want to be hanging around in trees. Oh look, here comes the wind we have been expecting. Oh pooh, it is only around 10 mph right now...
Conley is from Wisconsin. This is nothing to him.

Did you know that on a long-coated dog the snow doesn't melt right away and so they come dual colored: black and white?

Conley has decided maybe he is happier inside, after all..............

I love my Miscanthus and the way it looks in the snow. And no, I will NOT trim it back, thank you.

                     Nigel, the only one with a lick of sense.


Yesterday Mr. Husband was gone almost all day. I turned on my music (am currently on a Yo Yo Ma kick) and read to Nigel.
I haven't read aloud since the kids were little and the "baby" will be 37 in a couple of weeks.
It was fun to read to someone even if he wasn't real responsive and it wasn't a Basset book either, but TINKER,TAILER,SOLDIER, SPY by John LeCarre.
I decided that since his books, always an excellent read, are also extremely confusing to me I would stand a better chance of figuring the sub-plots out if I could read it, rather than see it as a movie where I only had one chance to decipher all the little tangents that turn out to be vitally important.
I love a good mystery and even more, a good spy story. The end of the Cold War unfortunately (not that I wanted it to continue) robbed the spy community of a perfect background.
So anyway Mr. Nigel and I are about halfway through the book and
my guess is he understands it a lot better than I do.

And here is our snow. I should probably get my Van off the street.