Saturday, November 3, 2012


Went to an "art show" at an assisted living facility.
I have done this once before several years ago. That time I backed into the guy in the car behind me and in addition sold nothing.

This time I nearly backed into the guy behind me (who honked in time) and I sold nothing.

I didn't expect to and my friend Ann was next to me (she sold a little) so at least I had someone to talk to. I got there at 7:45 and set up and was ready by 9 when it opened. Hah Hah. Would have been difficult to know it was OPEN.

How I felt by Noon                 
I tried to remember that this is my future. It didn't help. There were a  lot of ladies and not many men. What's wrong with these guys that they can't live longer? I really don't want to be alone. I bitch about John but I would much rather have him around than not.
Ann sold a little bit.
The Bake Sale was the big winner, I think.
How I felt by 2 pm.
4 pm time to pack it up!!!
This is probably the last one of these I will do. I did it as a favor to someone who I like very much and who is very ill and living at this place, which is nice as these things go.
I was so glad to get home to my crazy dogs and exhausted husband. I was happy to catheterize Nigel, delighted to pull the sock out of Doc's sharky little mouth, happy to have Conley almost knock me down and laughing at Llewis, who woud not shut up.
This is my idea of assisted living.