Saturday, March 3, 2012


It has been awhile since I have written. There is not much going on to write about, in truth. Nigel is Nigel and continues to make little puppy steps towards getting back some of the function he lost when ill: his tail does wag now with much more frequency than last week.  Sometimes outside he can help brace himself to take a pee, but he still needs a lot of physical support.

Cooper is doing all right on our regimen of liquid meds and processed food. He eats a lot of ground chicken and a lot of Morningstar Farms Soy Sausage patties.
He is not so nuts about mashed sweet potatoes anymore and so I am going to try punkin.  He's a carnivore. He likes his meat. The Bassets are Omnivores. They like their meat but will happily eat fruits and veggies, sticks, rocks (Oh Conley says that is fiber.)

I am making jewelry and have opened an Etsy store. I made one of the most hideous necklaces ever, and last night I tore it apart. I don't want my name on it. Agh. This is maybe the 8th time I have tried to pair this pendant with something and failed. The pendant is all white and has a skull on it, not my usual type of focal point. Eventually I will come up with SOMETHING.

The yard is a mess, what with the rain and the ground still frozen. The wind has been howling for two days.

50% of my time is spent taking care of dogs and 45% making jewelry and 5% taking care of the house. I barely leave the house. I have made plans to go to a horse show in Omaha in April, and of course my son is bringing his glass up for an exhibition at the Gallery.

I did the paper PR for the exhibit--posters, postcards and a banner for the Gallery window. The first time I got the date wrong so had to correct it, which took forever but when I got the order I realised THAT date was wrong!! And I had paid for the stuff and now didn't have enough money to do it all again.  I had the money but it would mean emptying the account too early in the month and finally I decided I had to do it anyway.

So I called VISTAPRINT, which is who I use, and explained I had the dates wrong and needed to re-order with the correct dates, and all they charged me for was postage!!! Wow!! Whadda break! I made it clear the fault was mine. I have used them several times before but this time I had a tough go of it, trouble uploading the artwork and trouble understanding "Peggy" who answered my pleas for tech help. The first guy was not only incoherent but incoherent. That is, not only could I not literally understand him, but his directions were so confused that I could not follow them.
(This was when I was setting up the original art on their site.) The second guy made the fatal mistake, when we could not seem to connect on what I was trying to explain, and asked "Is there someone else at home who could help you?" and I exploded. I asked if there was someone else there who could help HIM and then said I was going to another company.

I didn't, of course.

Hours later I called back and got a wonderful woman who understood me and who I could easily understand, and who knew exactly what needed to be done, and we did it.

When I called back after I received the order and had put on the wrong dates, I called and got a guy who apparently knew more than anyone else I had spoken with, who instantly changed the dates from his end for me and then only charged me postage and whoever he is, wherever he is, I love him.

Maybe someday I will get out with my camera again. I missed the IKC this year because Cooper had his endoscopy that day.
Ah well.