Monday, October 22, 2012


Now here is a great thing about dogs.

Every morning they wake up and they are sooooo happy to be alive and that it is morning and they have another whole day to be running and playing and peeing on things, sniffing the air, wagging their tails...

Not a single dog I have ever had got up in the morning and looked in the mirror and thought "Oh crap! I have that presentation today."
If they look in mirrors at all they may think
"Hey! Good lookin' dog!!" and then it's out the door to see what new and wonderful things happened in the yard overnight.

And they eat! Ahhh, one of the highlights of their day: food. And with a warm, full belly, maybe they fall asleep again for awhile but when I open the crates out they swarm, tails going, tongues going--
Don't jump on me -- is such an empty command here.

And they play
"I am the happiest to see you even tho I just saw you a half hour ago."
How could you stay depressed and angry and cold and old and frustrated?
At least for those few moments, the room is so full of life and love and happiness. How can you not smile or laugh, or want to sit on the floor and be overwhelmed?
And you know, They're For You. No matter what you do or say during the rest of the day, those dogs will vote for you. They have declared their political party long ago, and it's You.

Dogs: They watch out for you.