Tuesday, April 26, 2011


It is raining today. It rained yesterday. I believe we had one day without rain but my brain is so soggy I am not sure.
Everything is wet.
The yard, the dogs, clothing, carpeting....is there still a sun? I'm not sure anymore.
Last night it was supposed to thunderstorm but by the grace of Madam Nature it did not, which meant we all slept, including Cooper. The dogs are bored.
The grass is long and getting longer by the second, fed by -- rain. The poop piles are harder and harder to locate and softer and softer to pick up.
The dogs go out and come in stinking and muddy and wet.

Conley considers his options. He came around this way because the other way means stepping off the deck:

Which is even less desirable. While the dogs do not like getting soaked, they will eventually slog through this to get to the muddy end of the yard where they wander around yarring at the dogs in back, who no doubt are equally filthy. Why don't I bathe my boys?
Well to begin with they are blowing coat like mad and it would plug up the tub. Even with a drain cover it plugs it up and then we have to have the plumber out. The plumber is about 85 yrs old (no kidding) and while he is a good plumber still, he leaves a trail of debris.
The other reason is this:

Why bother?

The lawn, I must say, where it hasn't drowned, is quite lush. In spots it is about 4 inches to 6 inches high. It's a pity there is no way to mow. We do have a sump pump hooked up to pump the backyard out but at the moment it is a losing battle. This is mostly because we had to cut off the drainage system at the insistence of a neighbor, a system they gave us permission to put in in 1987. Part of it was on the very edge of their property and they wantd it out. So we dug it out. You have heard this story before, but this is the result.

On the other hand, my Lilies are going to be huge and fantastic.

If it quits raining you will hear me cheering. Until then...glub.