Friday, January 27, 2012


It's been a tough week for Cooper.
He has been puking off and on for awhile. Not enough to make me take him in, altho I have, a couple of times and we didn't find anything.
Then he got sick awhile ago and was vomiting so much he puked up some blood, the way they do when the little capillaries rupture from the force. And he had diarrhea. So I took him in for that and we did bloodwork and got him fixed up and he recovered but then he wouldn't eat.
He has always been picky but this was sick dog not eating, where you try all kinds of things and they are refused, and you end up with baby food and cat food and dog food and people food all open and partly tried and going bad in the fridge.
Then he started eating but throwing it up again.

And enough is enough. So I took him in yesterday and he had dropped another 3 pounds in about three weeks. They did a Barium series because I figured he had stomach cancer, which is all the rage among Belgians these days. He didn't. But Dr.T noticed his liver was very very small and his heart had shrunk a bit. She did an ultrasound and some more x-rays and said the only thing she could think of that made sense was Addison's disease so they did a Stim test since he had not eaten in about 2 days.

Test came back negative.

So now...what.
Without the liver to help hold things in place, (it is there but very small) organs are moving around. The descending colon is up high, the stomach almost under the ribs, etc etc. We have him on a low protein diet and Cerenia for now. I don't know if Dr T has any more ideas but I'm sure out of them.

He looks sad to me. Probably I am making that up but two or three times I have glanced at him and caught a look in his eyes that I have not seen before, and I do not like it. But he ate today, and kept it down. So maybe.....