Saturday, November 24, 2012


Yeah well I godda do dis cuz MPerson say I gotta so dis whut Doc tell to rite so donit go blaming me if he say stupit stuff.

Dis Me Doc. I growin by leeps an bones ebberday. I lernin to be a showy dog. Gotta lern ta stan still an let odder peepels touch me all ober an lookee in my mouf. I dunno whut dey lookin for in my mouf. I no got nuffin ob theirs in my mouf. Jus teeth. Lotsa teeth.
Dis me tawkin ta Conley tellin he whut to rite:


             See I gots da teef in dere but nuffin whut dont belong to me awreddy.

Here me wif Uncle Llewis. We plaze togedder a lot. He getz we in trouble by barkin alla time.

He got dis fing where if I whoosh inn his eer he go shakin his head sumfin fierce:

Dis next one is UncleLlewis tellin me not to go whooshin in he eer no more.

An den I shows you me: Dis whut I look like on dis side.

An den dis whut I look like on dat odder side:

                                                      I be hannsome.
                                         Dats all. Dats me. Dats Doc.

Conley say dis kid a reel brat but we gots to put up wif he. I done writed what he say to me and now I get a peece of turkey. I done.
Lub to youse all, Conley