Monday, June 18, 2012


One of our big problems with Nigel and his inability to be mobile, is that he dribbles urine.
Now we can use a belly band, or diapers, although when he is allowed to scoot along the floor they inevitably come off. But while that may protect the floors, it does nothing to protect Nigel.
A morning in a Belly band and his skin looks as if he had rolled on a bed of hot nails.
Even if I change it every hour, it isn't enough.
And then, of course, he stinks.

Not only does he stink, but the things he touches stink. This is extremely distressing. All early spring we were the biggest buyers at the Incense & Candle Store. The house was a miasma of smoke.

So when the weather warmed up, I had a great idea. We got the wading pool out and put a couple of inches of water in it in the morning. By evening, it was nice and warm. A sitz bath. (Nigel says no, a SPA.) Ok, it's a Spa.

Day before yesterday, I forgot to dump the pool. Then it rained. Then it was boiling hot all day. By last evening, the pool was 5" deep with wonderful, lukewarm water. He loved it. He laid down. I splashed him and rubbed him and soaked him.

Today some of the charm had worn thin, but he got his turn in the Spa nevertheless. I must say, he smells better, his skin is better, and he seems to sleep better. I am going to be sorry to see the Spa close down at the end of the summer.

         ok that's enough now lemme outta this damn thing.