Sunday, September 25, 2011


WE (oop) We da four sined:




aww c'mon Mr. Cooper juss dis oncet?


wish ta formalate an do publishes dis formal protest gainst da MomPerson here :

Ok da big white (What Llewis? What kinder color dat! Almont.

Da big Almont fing in da peepelpottyroom be broke.

Now we all (cept Mr. Cooper who reely want you to nose he abstrained)
say dis not a biggie deal.

Why, we goes ousside in ALLLLL da weather, rain snow sleet --(you nose dis not meking much scents now dat I finking bout it. I meen how come WEE goes ousside an...OKOK i gets on wif

Enyways dey all in a dither MPerson an DadPerson dey

actin like dis da most turrubulist fing eber an we wants ta nose why dey cant juss come ousside wif we? But here da catcher.

Dis morning eerly MomPerson she pop outta bed and comb she hair wif her fingers and fling on she close an run outta door an dribe away

When she come beke she not only smilin, she GOTS FOOD!! How come she no bring we food?? How much dem liddel samwitches gotta cost enyways? See if dey willin to do dis oncet why not alla time since she do share dem liddel samwitches. Mr Cooper he neber eet he breffas we bet he snarf dem liddel sandfinches rite down. So dis are protest we fink MomPerson outta fergit fixin dat stoopit lookin fing an go to da liddel snawitche place ebber mornin. An share.

She need a baf she go to da groomer. She smell more innerressing dirty enyways.

Dat whut we finks cept Mr.Cooper just shakin he hed an sighin

Love to all and Good Drool

Nigel, Llewis, Conley n Cooper (sorta Cooper, not reely.)


This will be short.

Somehow my biological clock has taken a hit.

Bedtime is between ten and twelve, usually closer to ten. Last night, numb with fatigue and yes, I admit it wine, I fell into bed at ten and rolled over and peered at the clock which read 9:18.


Oh Crap.

Means everything is off an hour. I will be up and awake by four at the latest.

My 3 a.m. awakening to attend to necessities will be---- and here it is: 2:08.

Remember we have no bathroom for the ---ah---- heavier biological needs. I sit here wondering if I drove to the Gallery at this hour would the Cops note my van parked outside and pay attention?

Of course not.

Well nevermind. Maybe I can go back to sleep.