Tuesday, August 9, 2011


We love our boys, we really do.
But you know, some days the dogs really make us nuts.
Over the years they have learned that the male spouse is a real soft touch for treats. He cannot stand the pleading looks, the laid flat ears, the hopeful tiny tail wag (just the tip--they all learn it). Consequently, when he moves around they think they might be able to con a treat out of him, and they mob him. They bark, they leap, they yell and holler and trip him and shove him from behind and are generally very obnoxious. And what does he do? He gives them treats to shut them up.
I, on the other hand, make it plain that I am not an automatic treat dispenser. Sometimes......SOMETIMES they don't even get a treat when they (gasp) come in from outside!!!!
                                                        Imagine the treachery!

Some days, however, they just won't quit. I don't know if they are especially bored, feeling good, feeling bad, hungry or just......obnoxious. But they really are. They clamor, they yarr at people down the street when they shut a door, they scream at the mailman on the next street (they can see the next street) and they leap and beg and boss and bug us for treats, to go out, to come in, to get a treat, to pet them, to get a treat.....They remind me of small children on a bad day: Mommy watch me! Mommmy WATCH Mommy watch me watch me...Mooommmmmmmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!No watch ME. Mommey watch ME....

I remember my children as actual children fondly, but I cannot say I am sorry they are grown. I also remember the many days I felt as if collapsing, fully clothed, face first on the floor was my only remaining option.

Watch me, Mommy watch me watch me

And on those days with the dogs swirling between our legs and banging into our kneecaps and leaping on our backs, clawing and yelling and being horrible, I remember that I asked for this. I wanted this. This is what I love most.
But couldn't they get jobs?