Sunday, January 29, 2012


Over the weekend John and I attended a family gathering at a Greek restaurant. I have never eaten Greek food-- real Greek food. John says we have been there once before in the late 60s, but that period of my life is a bit hazy...
Anyway there were a lot of us there, and luckily the others had eaten there fairly often.
We had the required "cheese on fire" which was fun and made me momentarily wish I were a little more of a pyromaniac, but I am terrified of fires and was afraid the waiter was going to go up with the cheese. He didn't, of course, but I bet he doesn't ever have to pluck his nosehairs.

Their menu, which is very extensive (Chefs Ramsey and Irwin would have a FIT) includen Gluten-free and Vegetarian dishes. Most people had Gyros. John had Chicken something. I had pan-fried squid.

Ever since I once had Calamari cooked correctly, I have loved it.
Like Escargot, if it is done right it is very good and tender, and if it isn't (and the chances that it will be done badly are close to 100%) it tastes like old Michelin tires. Or maybe Goodyear. The point is, it is a touchy dish. But since Squid was included in many things on the menu, I thought they probably knew how to do it.

They did. made me feel terribly guilty. It was delicious, don't get me wrong, but there were entire little bitty squid in there....babies. They had to be babies. Don't squid get like as big as that submarine in VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA? (Ok so I watched it. Big deal.)

And I felt like....vicious and mean and evil. But happy.

I have a friend who is not really a Vegetarian since about all he ate until they hauled him off to assisted living was peanut butter, who said he never ate anything with a face.

I am starting to think he had a good idea.

But I suspect if someplace began selling Squid McNuggets, I would be in line almost every day.

                                   or maybe not.