Thursday, November 25, 2010


Today is Thanksgiving. We are having ours tomorrow. My daughter, her wonderful husband John, and my very good friend Susan are coming for dinner.
I have a HUGE turkey.
I am not at all sure why it is so big. The only thing that occurs to me is that it is my old rebellious nature kicking in.

In Kindergarten they wanted to hold me back a year. I was 4 when I started school, just ahead of the December 1st cutoff.
Kindergarten thought I was not "socialized". Actually I was, but I didn't like most people even then, and I liked doing what I wanted to. I often wandered off mentally into my own little world. I no longer remember what it entailed, only that I stared out the window a lot.
The only thing I remember clearly about Kindergarten is the infamous Circle Of Puking Children. I think Patti May started it. We were in the reading circle. Somebody puked. The next kid got a whiff and puked and so on and so on.
I don't know if I threw up or not: I have always had a steady stomach when it comes to things like that, but maybe I did.
Anyway. My Mother made them send me on to 1st grade.
Most of my school-life was full of comments such as  :"Daydreams--wastes time" and "Beverly is not paying attention in class" and "Does not work well with others."

I have never pretended to work well with others, altho I have tried.

I was asked to leave Brownie Scouts. I am not sure what happened. I hated it anyway.
I went to camp one year. The place was fabulous. I caught a terrible cold. They counselors of course would not give me anything for my cold, altho I pleaded, begged and wept. When my parents came to visit they were horrified. I, who had wanted nothing more than to go home, suddenly refused to go home. No, by God, I was going to finish this. Besides, with the cold I couldn't smell the outhouse. I stuck it out.

But the weekly rituals of Brownies set my teeth on edge. Maybe I said something rude to the Brownie leader. Or more likely, one of the girls. Whatever, one day Mother sat me down and asked if I really wanted to be a Brownie. I said no, not at all.
My parents were always trying to get me to finish what I started. This time there was none of that. My Mother sighed with relief and stood. "Ok," she said, "You're out." Later I found out Mrs. Mueller, the leader, had called and suggested I would be happier (and I am sure everyone else would be, too) if I quit.

So here I am all grown up and responsible and very fat. And I have people who care for me trying to get me to lose weight. And I diet for a week or two and then practically binge. Not quite, but almost.

So it is Turkey day tomorrow, for us, and I have a huge bird so I am guaranteed mega leftovers. I have not a clue whether it is some deep-seated way of sabatoging myself, or whether it is just me, waving my middle finger at everyone again.

I rather think it is the latter. But I will never admit it.

Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone. I hope you all have had a wonderful day.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you too Bev!

  2. Cheers from one ex-Brownie to another! Happy Thanksgiving and eat some more leftovers for me! (or with me!) xoxo from Ginny in Whorelando

  3. lois, buster,& miss sally whoNovember 26, 2010 at 8:14 PM

    proud to say i lasted maybe long enough to get sent to camp as a brownie & that was it...2nd grade. it was awful didn't want any little stinkin' badges...hated the little hat, hated camp...

    & in muy lottle bit of revolution i serve only chocolate cream pie for thanksgiving & i serve it before dinner because i firmly believe the pilgrims fled england because they were tired of being forced to only eat apple & pumpkin pie. so they fled with chocolate cream pie & cans of reddi whip...which they aslo consumed prior to dinner as a further act of protest.

    just my little bit of whacked out history. works for me.
