Saturday, February 19, 2011


First my son in law, John, has been selected to publish a blog on the online Chicago Tribune, concerning sports. I believe the title of his blog will be
"THE CUB'S DEN" and am not sure when it starts, but am promoting it starting now. So if you are a Cub's fan, watch for it to appear.

I mentioned recently that the snow has melted and left the yard looking like the Okeefenokee swamp. That I watch for alligators to pop up and eat the Bassets goes without saying, altho I do not think there are many this close to Chicago. (I have long harbored a secret desire to buy a kid's inflatable alligator swim thing and install it somewhere in the wetlands in the middle of town, partially submerged...)(Someday....)
Anyway here is a photo of Nigel. Please notice the FEET. The feet is what this photo is about: note the color...

Keep in mind that his entire belly is probably the same color-- that is black-- and that this is not normally his coloration....

I have been looking (without success) for a batch of photos I took in the Badlands and points west. I cannot find them, but I did stumble across the photos we took of Conley the day I brought him home.

And then there were several photos of Llewis, which I can not resist adding....

And we wonder why we love them so.

1 comment:

  1. Such great pictures of the boyz...keep 'em coming. Love the blog too!
