Friday, March 4, 2011

Blogging Along

There is not much going on here that I can write about. Some of it involves a person who may or may not read the blog and about whom I prefer not to write. You can always email me to find out these things, but I am not putting it out there publicly. I learned my lesson the hard way about that.

Never ever put anything in a blog you don't want the world to know about.

You would think someone as paranoid as I am who grew up with a lawyer for a Father would know that instinctively, just as I know to duck when someone throws a baseball in my direction. I mean, catch it? Are they crazy? (I was not a big athlete in school.)
My son-in-law is writing a blog for the Chicago Tribune online edition, called "The Cub's Den". It is, obviously, about the Cubs. His allegiance to the Cubs is something I suppose he cannot help. He is otherwise such an amazingly wonderful person that I guess I will forgive him this one vice.

If you are interested.

Nigel has crystals in his urine. He is on an acidifier but is still peeing in the house from time to time.
Conley is his usual irrepressible self. Llewis bounces all over and Cooper continues to supervise everyone, including the mailman, the UPS guy and FedEx.

I told you there was not much going on.

Don't Forget!!
March 25, 26 & 27 there will be an exhibit of handblown glass from
Marble City Glassworks. The exhibit will be in Park Forest, IL at 294 Main St.
Drop in-- it's free. There will be food. No booze, sorry -- we don't have a license for it.

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