Saturday, April 16, 2011


This is Conley. Yes I know I used this photo just yesterday.
I want you to note the upright carriage, the confidence, the determination of his stance and gaze. The definite MALE quality
that he happens to exude in this
particular photo.
This mirrors how Conley views himself: forthright, upright, right, tough. Mother Nature's Gift to Dogdom.
This boy has no ego problems.
This is a boy with ambition.

This is Nigel. Notice the sturdy body, the steady gaze, the four-on-floor wide-body build. Note the gonads also, if you will. This is a big boy and he knows it. This is a strong dog, and he knows it. This is a dog with a sense of his place in the world and it is right up top. Or so he thinks, thinks he. This is a dog who is not a pushover, either physically or emotionally, one who stands his ground more or less, as long as it is not MomPerson yelling at him.
Observe the Chips on the shoulders of both dogs.
Picture the first dog, Conley, with a biscuit, coming through a gate held open by MomPerson  The others have had theirs cookies already.
Imagine Nigel deciding the biscuit is HIS. See Nigel grabbing the biscuit out of Conley's mouth? What do you think the next step is?
1. Conley thanks Nigel for getting rid of the pesky biscuit
2. Conley politely asks Nigel for the biscuit back
3. All hell breaks loose.

If you guessed 3, then you have dogs.
If you guessed 1 or 2 either you have cats or live with Cesar Milan. (Is it Cesar or Caesar?)

Suddenly there is a massive, kill or be killed fight between Nigel and Conley. They are in a narrow space so MomPerson grabs a gate and tries to jam it in between them. DadPerson charges into the melee, holding his coffee in one hand (it has a lid) and aiming gentle kicks and shoves at the combatants. Llewis is on the edge and Cooper races in to "help". I finally jam the gate between them, Nigel on the far side with DadP: Conley whirls and the first thing he sees is Llewis and he just rips right into him, his adrenalin now really pumping he cannot stop fighting. Seeing Llewis (who did well, by the way) in trouble, three-legged Cooper throws caution and impartiality to the winds and wades in, grabbing Conley about the time I get between everyone and things start ebbing down.
Still growling, Conley is sent to his room and the door shut and locked. Llewis, because he is closest to me is sent next and Nigel, still trapped in the hallway by DadPerson, muttering nasty things to himself, goes last.
Cooper, by the way, got the biscuit.

Things are now back to "normal" but I know, once this happens so early in the day, chances are good it will not be the last. Let the chips fall where they may.

I need a nap.

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