Monday, July 25, 2011


Here we are just finishing the space age and trotting around carrying our Tablets and iPods and Smart Phones and other space age gadgetry: phones that tell you where to park and cars that do it for you and food you heat up in a microwave right in the package and $3000 grills for your outdoor kitchen....

and here is what I know.
When it goes wrong, it really goes wrong.
Like when a simple tarp is not on a roof correctly and it rains and your house drowns and you have to live someplace else for 6 months.
Or when the snazzy thing on your car that keeps the fumes from poisoning the atmosphere blows a hole and you don't HAVE the $500 to fix it.
Or you have to stay in a rental house where the insurance company is paying almost $2000 a month for you (because, remember the roof?) and suddenly you notice that water is pouring out of the sewer pipe two feet from the front door and then you notice it ISNT JUST WATER, that it is RAW SEWAGE...... and you had called about this before and the landlord did, in fact have someone come out and rod the pipe twice....
And here you are in your $2000 a month rental home and you cannot flush the damn toilet because it is going to run out that pipe down the sidewalk.
And you are NOT HAPPY.
And you want to bathe in bleach.
And when you said please get someone here now, you meant an hour ago.
And you went out and poured pure, 100% chlorox bleach all over the lawn to hell with the grass anyway.
Not a good day. Where's the wine.

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