Tuesday, August 2, 2011


There is simply nothing going on. The heat and humidity continue to be
seriously oppressive. By mid-day the sparrows that use the bush in the front yard as a resting spot have moved to it's innards, and even so their beaks are gaping as they pant.
The dogs go out and walk around part of the yard, then want in. Half the time, Cooper won't go out unless he is desperate and/or I force him.
I have no new photos, nothing to photograph.
I am waiting for my Jimmy Buffett songbook to arrive so that I can tease myself by looking at songs I want to play on the piano and are so far above my level of ability that I might as well forget for a couple of years, or perhaps eons.
Conley is pretending to throw up on my bare foot. I moved.
(He went outside.)

I have all the swatches and samples for the house but they are so far from that point as far as I can tell that I might have saved myself the trouble.
Llewis just asked to be lifted onto the bed. This annoys Nigel who thinks it is HIS bed. Tough luck.

See? Not much.

1 comment:

  1. lois, buster, miss sally who & lowla the foster & cooper II the other fosterAugust 2, 2011 at 7:32 PM

    sigh..i feel your pain..i purposely got a park pass this summer so i could go hiking & take pix...have i gone? well once..but that's all. too hot. too bored, stressed, what ever. no desire. wish it was just a little cooler..maybe then i would get the urge to go wandering.

    dogs don't want to be home. don't want to go to the park. don't want to wander. i feel their angst.

    buster doesn't want anyone near his spot. he won't let anyone there..but he won't lay their either. he complains either way. i yell either way.

    ac is down for the summer & for all time. landlord won't fix it..sweating is oh so wonderful..i just think..that which doesn't kill me makes make stronger...yeah...that's it.oh the water weight i am losing..

    is it september soon?
