Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The puppy is here. He flew in from Texas (he missed the first flight) and got to OHare about 5:30. Some lovely people from Barrington were there too, to pick up his sister. They traveled separately, but together.
I love my Bassets. Make no mistake about that. They offer me something Belgians do not. On the other hand, what I get from a Belgian I cannot get from a Basset, and it is with great delight that I welcome baby Belgian Doc into our home.

This is he. He of the innocent countenence. He of the "who me?" look. He of the "I would NEVER" look.

This is what a baby Belgian looks like just before they learn how to climb up on the dining room table, walk onto the freezer and open a bag of dog food (not yet-- but I have seen it done.)

This is what they look like before they shred your shoes, your blankets, chew the corner off the tv console, (another Belgian) or dismantle your furnace (yet another.)

This is Doc.

See how sweet he is? How cuddly? (and he is.)
Wanna hear how he screams in the crate in the Van? He screams like a husky: maaawww maaaawww!
Only if the windows are down and we are at a stoplight.

A bird? A fly? A yellow Jacket? Should I snap it? Squirrel? flower?
I know nothing. I am a blank slate. But happy to learn. I think the Bassets will teach me a lot.
Today I met a Veterinarian ( a nice lady) a mailman (a nice man) and two neighbors. (Yup. Nice.) While Mom was sitting at the Vet's with me the local Animal Control came in and recognized her and said oh how cute etc etc. And she thought, oh god, he isn't registered with the village--- nor are any of the bassets.  I don't think I have to be registered until 4 mos when I can get a rabies shot.
The nice Animal control people brought in two tiny pug babies that had been in a yard witha gold retriever and got out and I guess didn't get retrieved. The Vet knew who the momperson is , tho, so they will got home. They look funny.
Mom is writing this for me. I can't write yet. Conley says he will teach me. So maybe you will hear from me.

This is Doc.
Mika Keokuk Medicine Man of Liswyn.

You may call me Doc.


  1. Bev,

    Doc is so beautiful. You can see the potential of being the Best Belgian ever. Just so the Bassets don't teach him too much!


  2. Bev,

    He is stunning! His eyes are amazing, like he looks right into the soul. Do the ears stand up like that naturally? Enjoy!

    Mary Lee

  3. Belgian ears stand upright, like a German Shepherd's, yes.

  4. them jersey bassets & their mudderSeptember 26, 2012 at 7:25 PM

    dear doc,
    welcome. you will know love like you have never thought possible (altho maybe not from your brudders). speaking of which...altho they may say at times they hate you & try to run your pawsies over they will grow to accept you.

    you are most beautiful. & soft. & cuddly. & if you were a chessie i would come to your house & steal you..but you are a belgian & your mother just adores you (& she knows how to shoot) so i will leave you there.

    welcome home again doc. grow big & strong & learn to love them basset hounds.

  5. doc. you are most handsome. welcome home little one! your brothers may give you grief but they will learn t love & protect you. your mother, well she can shoot a gun & most certainly would to defend your honor.

    have no fear little have landed in the most perfect of places! personally if you were a chessie..a little brown coated slightly wavy coated retriever puppy you might be in danger of theft, but since you are not, rest easy!

  6. Bev he is gorgeous, I am looking forward to watching him grow up and hearing about his adventures on the drool. Welcome home Doc!

  7. Welcome Doc! You have one of the best mompersons. You'll have fun training momperson, dadperson and the bassets.

    Bev - he looks like a mini-Cooper. Congrats on your newest addition. Remember a puppy keeps you young.

  8. Beautiful! Don't worry Doc, you'll fit right in. And when you grow up a little, you can be the long legged Mr Doc Sir! As far as Conley teaching you to write; don't. Let Llewis teach you. Otherwise you'll never know what a vowel is!
