Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I think I am going to apply for a federal grant. My thesis is the relationship between fatigue in older women and their ownership of small puppies.
"Small" being relative.
Doc has gained a pound and also grown since last Tuesday. He has established himself as the Terrible One as far as the Bassets are concerned, especially Conley. Conley is no longer sure where he stands in the heirarchy and is acting out. Counter cruising in the extreme and being grumpy and out of sorts. I try really hard to make sure he gets his share of the attention but I think I am not doing a very good job.
Where did he go? I know he's around here someplace...

The newest challenge is the butt-bite. Doc now tries to get Conley to play by biting his tail and behind, his back legs, his hips...
Sometimes this has the desired result and other times it causes a mighty explosion. I have not corrected Conley for this because it seems fair to allow him to NOT want to play twenty hours a day, which would suit Doc perfectly. (The other four hours are for stick eating.)
The Belgian Sheepdog Standard states that the breed is "always in motion except when under command". Doc has the first part down.
We are a little fuzzy on the second part.

                   We are very accomplished at stick-eating.

Doc is learning his name. I have to remember not to call Puppy Puppy but to use his name. We have joined a puppy class that starts in another week.

Doc does NOT like the dark. He is very freaky outside in the yard at night. He hears a car door or voices and he tucks his tail and heads for the house. Last night, knowing it was poop time, I had to finally put a leash on him and walk and walk around the yard with the flashlight before he would go. One of my problems is that since the stupid workmen took down the spotlight it IS very dark in the yard. I trust he will get over this as he becomes more accustomed to noise and new places. (Our house is usually very quiet except when someone comes to the door.)

                  Llewis and Nigel hiding from the evil child.

                         Stalking the elusive Basset Hound.

Llewis watching from a safe distance. You never know what these puppies are going to do next.

Conley pretending he doesn't see the very annoying child with the teeth coming at his rear. Maybe if he ignores it......


  1. Sooooooo happy Doc has arrived and is giving you material to write about! I was missing you and your updates!! He is a cutie and will certainly keep ALLLLL of you on your toes!

  2. ah how soon they forget that it's all payback from when they were annoying little beasts.

    buy big boxes of wine & learn to drizzle it on kibble.
