Friday, October 19, 2012


Two days ago trying to teach the little one to take treats gently, my right index finger got in the way of a tiny, razor sharp canine and got ripped open to the tune of about a quarter inch. I have been badly bitten in my day and I am here to tell you none of those bites hurt like this did. And bleed? Good lord. Blood spatter everywhere with, of course, four dogs trying to help"Let me see let me see I can fix it oooo blood i can fix!"

"She stuck it in my face and said something and I said MINE and the next thing I know everyone is yelling and dancing around and Conley says "Nice goin kid, boy are you a dope."

Then the memories flooded back. Every Basset I have owned has had a gentle mouth.

None of the Belgians has.

Quiller and Cooper, the first two, I had to wear heavy sweatshirts and loose pants (this was when there was such a thing as loose pants for me) because if they grabbed my arm they left bruises. They were not being mean or extra rough. They had very good bite inhibition or I would still be looking for the pieces of my hand. They were big male intact dogs who played rough.
Cooper once took a chunk out of my hand during a show when Iwas baiting him up. I kept my hand in a fist trying to stop the bleeding in the ring.
Cooper also (I think-- maybe it was Quiller) took a chunk out of my lip when I tried getting him to "watch me" by dangling a piece of string cheese out of my mouth. (Thank you, Susan for that suggestion.)

They're a herding breed. They're visual, they're alert, they're...maybe a little exciteable.

Anyway I have weathered the flesh wound altho I believe it is infected. (I know it is). We are working hard on "NICE" but so far it appears to be a bit like "Down"---" Lo siento yo no entiendo nada de lo que dices"

I dunno, he's from Texas, maybe that's the problem.


1 comment:

  1. lois that joisey chick againOctober 19, 2012 at 10:50 PM

    can you try working with a slice of lemon to teach a soft bite..i have used that to work with some dogs who have teeth that can shred concrete. the lemon seems to help (unless of course you are a weird basset in this house & like citrus)...

    of course wait until your hand heals some or it will hurt like an SOB.

    i like the lemon slice trick. it is a great training tool. easily concealed , cheap & effective. works for barking, hard bites, jumping, all sorts of stuff.
