Monday, November 5, 2012


or the day before. The Watchdog spotted a woman walking past the house with two dogs.

He immediately alerted the other two watchdogs
And in the very best hound style, they began to bark. And bark. And bark, and then one of them, I am not sure which one, kind of dragged the bark out and within seconds it had become a
And of course the others tilted their heads back and one after another THEY began to howl, and soon all three were howling.
In the midst of this stood
The baby. With no idea what was going on. No clue as to why his housemates were yowling. All he knew was the pack was doing this and so he put his little black nose in the air and began howling, too.
It isn't much compared to the big boys.
It will never be as deep and melodious as theirs.
And right now it is more a Falsetto than anything but
the important thing is, he tried. And he belongs.
He is part of the pack. 


  1. Welcome to the Pack, Doc! We knew the Boys would teach you well!

  2. I would have loved to have heard that!

  3. I love your stories Bev.. keep them coming. Doc must have sounded so cute.

  4. Yvette and The Leia HoundNovember 5, 2012 at 7:27 PM

    I would also love to hear see that! My last two are howless hounds.

  5. I'm sure that was just precious!!

  6. That's the sweetest post. You love and understand all of your boys so well. I can just see his proud (if confused) baby stance as he joins the pack. I love all of your posts -- especially about the relationship between Doc and NLl&C!

  7. Randee and I are reading this post at the same time on computers very close to each other and are turning to laugh at the same that is a modern environment for how Doc is growing up, some day he will know the difference between Basset and Belgian.
