Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Look! It's a snow day! We don't have school. So what's there to do?
Oh man. There's a lot. Well, they DID say SNOW day....wish we had a plow.
Oh wait, here comes one now.

TaaaDaa! Our own personal Snow Plow.
Here he comes, right when we need him. We need a trail-breaker.

Of course, there's a price to pay for this service.
I got away! Now let's see what Llewis can do...
You go, Llewis!!
Oh No, the dreaded Stick!
HEY! Mom says it's time to come in.

There's always my faithful Chewie....


  1. Yvette and the Leia HoundMarch 6, 2013 at 12:29 PM

    Leia hates the feeling on her paws of the snow on the wood deck but happily goes through chest high in the yard to track the bunny. Luckily I think the bunny left the yard!
    Have fun boys!

  2. Hi Beverly-
    My basset hound recently lost the use of his rear legs, so I am enjoying reading your adventures with Nigel. Would it be possible for me to email you?
    thank you-
