Monday, May 20, 2013


Sometimes I could sleep for hours longer than I do and other times I need no sleep at all.
1:30 a.m.
It is hot and stuffy. I have a fan on but it is still hot and stuffy. I wake up because Doc is shuffling around in his crate, shoving the pad to one side so he can sleep on the cool plastic and wear the hair off his hock and the inside of one back leg.

(Warning: Photos have no relevance to the text of the blog at all.)

So I thought I would see if he would settle down loose in the room.I put up the gate and opened the crate and he stepped out.
Now, Doc will not get on the bed. I don't know why, but he won't.
He wanted to cuddle.
He wanted to sit in my lap.
He did not want to get on the bed.

I put him away and let Conley out who climbed instantly onto the bed and took my back and was asleep before I had laid down.

I turned out the light, closed my eyes and..................
I turned on the light and sat up.
Clearly, I was not destined to go back to sleep. Whatever important, massive problem-solving solution had been spinning in my brain 45 minutes earlier had circled the drain and vanished. I was stuck, wide awake.
I let Doc out of his crate again and gave him a chewie (Made in America unlike every single one at PETSMUCK WHICH COME FROM CHINA--hear me!!)

I found some really cool articles inthe NYTimes that I actually had time to read since it was 2 in the morning. Sustainable farming with horses, was my favorite.

I read the police blotter for town, not usually terrifying but getting worse. Three gunshots reports. Lots of drugs. Adults-- 30 yrs old dealing drugs, what a waste.
I bought a trash book off Amazon (nevermind it has dogs in it.)
I looked at beads.

Doc chewed and Conley slept and along about 9a.m. I will fall into a
stupor. What a day it's going to be.

                           (As long as I get breakfast....)

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