Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Tomorrow Doc and I leave for the Belgian Nationals. Boy, it's been a long time!
I have made special arrangements with his Groomer to meet us at 6:30 in the morning to get him groomed, and he's a mess! Meanwhile, while Doc is getting primped, I will come home, pick up Nigel and deliver him for boarding.
And then.
I load the Van.
              Remember this? This is my entry in the Nationals.
                   What do you think? Has he got a chance?

I have to load the Van tomorrow. I cannot leave all my stuff  in it overnight. Because I am also selling jewelry, I have all that to take. Not only the jewelry itself but tools in case something needs to be fixed or shortened.

         Ribbons for the Belgian pendants by Peggy Hamlin.

                                  Several necklaces

                 Some bracelets (This is one of my favorites.)

And then of course is the dog and all his Stuff: brushes, nail clippers, show leads and collars, bait (in a cooler): the new dryer (Oh what an unpleasant surprise for the boy) the potions and magic that go into making him look even more handsome than usual.

From this
To something resembling a show dog.
And of course, the worst blow for Doc is that we are leaving behind his buddy, his pal, his protector, his "sheep" that he herds.....
Sweet (usually) Tolerant (often) happy Llewis. Who stays at home with Conley and John. The three boys.
And we will be off, in search of the elusive points. Our hearts in our throats and our sweaty palms, we will watch someone else show Doc,much better than I ever could and maybe, just maybe, Doc will learn that it's ok to poop while on a leash.....
Off we go.


  1. good luck! remember to smile & relax if you can...bring a shirt that smells like the sheep for him so he can relax as well.

  2. Good luck! I hope you do well and have fun!

  3. Good luck I hope you get points!!! He is gorgeous :-)

  4. atlantic city ain't too far from hereMay 7, 2013 at 9:19 PM

    i hear vegas has points posted on doc (or maybe that is momperson)...so see you can still get some points

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