Tuesday, May 28, 2013


No photos.
Not because the hair is awful, but because I hate having my photo taken.
I got in and lovely Kelly laughed, said that when the phone rang that early she thought "I'll bet that's Beverly..."
She was laughing when I got there.
She took her scissors and went to work, cut it all, didn't yell at me for taking the stripping blade from my dog tack and doing the bangs myself the night before.
And when she got done, it was GREAT! It was exactly as I wanted. It looked as if I had stuck my head in a blender. This is precisely the effect I work for.

                     Beaver tree, along the Mississippii river.

The less I have to do with my hair the happier I am. My idea is that one should not have to spend more than maybe three minutes a day playing with your hair.
I use a brush, the gel, and my hands. Done.

I grew up with looong, looong, loong hair. As a child I had long braids. Once my Mother cut it and had a perm done and i looked like a poodle, and even she accepted that this was true.
As a teenager I cut it all off very short (about 1") It was right after
Jean Seberg (remember her?) played in the movie  "BREATHLESS" and everyone was getting their heads shorn

Check the hair. My Mother was crushed. She wanted a girl. She got me.
Then I let my hair grow when I got into High school. And grow. And grow. It was down to my ...uh...it was very long. And it stayed that way a long time.
This was High School and beginning College, and my Father was frantic to have me cut it. Only Beatniks had long hair. His own daughter, out of sight at school, was wearing not only long hair but solid black: thigh-high lace-up Capezio black boots, black jeans, black turtlenecks and a cape that I had made for me.
I made a small fortune renting out my Saks, CPS and Marshall Field's wardrobe to the freshmen pledges on the floor.
I posed nude for a series of photographs done by a woman I knew. she assured me no one would ever see them because no one came to the exhibits.
Three weeks later my brother, in Medical School there, called me:
"Nice photos" he said. I made him promise and he did. My parents never knew.
I'm not sure when i cut my hair again. It may have been when I began working with special ed kids. It might have been when I began working with children in a state mental institution. It might have been when I began working for my Vet. I really don't remember,but it was long for my daughter's wedding.
During the time I worked at the state mental facility. The kids grabbed my long hair,so I cut it.

This was not the photo I wanted but it won't let me delete it. This is our first Basset,Warf.
This was my hair. It got better and longer and then I cut it all off and spiked it and I have never looked back. It is now silver and coarse and does not look good long. It looks stringy.  It's too bad, I loved my long, dark hair. Now I have big, dark dogs instead.



1 comment:

  1. we have the same hair. except mine is brown. short, spikey. cool gel stuff. some people say: "ya know that doesn't really look good on you" i say to them.."who cares. i like it. it works for me."

    my mother used to make me have shoulder length hair when i was young. i hated it. it was thick, & it just sat. i cut it short in like high school & then shorter in college (even did the poodle perm too) & again have not looked back either.

    knew i liked you for a reason!
