Tuesday, July 23, 2013


We have two trees with 2 and 3 trunks respectively. One is in one back corner of the yard and the other opposite.
We never knew what they were (until recently) but were told, in our innocence when we bought the house, that they were Rose of Sharon.

I still have no idea what that is but I am here to tell you that is NOT what these mutant trees are.
Maybe they would have been pretty had Commonwealth Edison not insisted on "topping" them every few years forcing them to grow in totally bizarre directions.

Maybe they would have been attractive if a neighbor in back had not lopped off a HUGE branch because it hung over the fence and he said he was building a "structure" (which he never did) and which made me so  angry he actually called the police because he thought I might punch him. (My daughter and I were laughing so hard that  the Cop started laughing.) (At the time I weighed about 120). The neighbor was told by the Cop that in the future he was legally bound to give us 24hrs notice.

But no, they're Ash trees, plain and simple and....they have bugs.

That's why we hired the tree people to come and cut them down. And so they did.
Jim the tree guy did the climbing and cutting and I have to say, 99% of it fell in our yard, the wires did not come down, nobody cut off a leg and nobody fell headfirst out of a tree.

Almost impossible to see, but there is a person in this tree.
Jim the treeman

Almost done.

I haven't been outside all day and I know there is something interesting going on.


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