Monday, July 1, 2013


Today is one of those days when not much is going on except that Doc is going to go to training but I have not told him yet. I probably won't tell him until we get out of the Van at training. ("Oh my goodness, Doc! LOOK where we are!! Well, we might as well go in, don't you think?") (Doc doesn't think training is the way to spend an evening.)

So today apparently we are playing Musical Beds.
Not me. I just spent 3 hours putting 3 stupid things on eBay for sale.

But the dogs seem content to fritter their time away by confusing me as to who is sleeping exactly where:
This is Nigel's daytime spot, on my bed, but that is Conley, not Nigel.

This is one of the two places DH sits but that is not he, that is Nigel who is not on the bed in my room because Conley is.

This of course is Doc who frequently sleeps in his own crate or next to me and he is the only one who has it right-- he is next to me in this photo. (Yes I know: I took the photo from a different angle.)

And last but never least is Llewis, sleeping soundly not in his crate but in Conley's crate which drives Conley insane, so that Conley has now moved onto the floor displacing Doc, who is just looking rumpled.

That's my day. And don't ever ask me how to list something on eBay to sell, either.


1 comment:

  1. Yvette and the Leia HoundJuly 1, 2013 at 7:56 PM

    Just having one dog I suppose I miss this kind of entertainment! What I do know is Leia's most favorite place to sleep is where you just got up from!
