Sunday, October 20, 2013


A while ago John put in a small, kidney-shaped fish pond where we had had one before. We bought a little solar-powered pump, I got some plants from a friend of mine, and threw 10 (I do not think there were 10. I think there were only 7) goldfish.

If you are wondering why the solar panel is in a cage...

That's why.

The pump only works on sunny days. It doesn't store power so that on cruddy days like this morning, there's no pump.

Well so anyway, the dogs loved the pond and were fascinated with the fish. The pond is a plastic shell, pre-formed, about 2ft deep at one end and about a foot deep where the ledge is.

And then it occurred to me as I watched the dogs creep closed and closer to the edge of the water, that of four I have only 2 dogs I KNOW could get out of the pond if they fell (or jumped) in. Doc, with his long legs, and Conley, with his short but strong legs  and back.
Llewis could not possibly have enough drive in his rear to get out, and clearly, paralyzed, Nigel would drown right away.

So we put up a fence.

And now it's almost winter and is the pond deep enough to keep the fish alive?

We shall see...


  1. VERY PRETTY! Let me guess where you put it - you tore down the summer house and now have a pretty little pond there!

  2. Yvette and the Leia HoundOctober 21, 2013 at 12:15 PM

    Did your 'fisher dogs" ever catch anything?
