Monday, December 16, 2013


My Van won't start. It goes " Clickclicklclickclicksnickyclick." and the gauges all go berserk. The day before we jumped it and it started and ran fine but yesterday I went out to do an errand and it repeated the clicky routine.
If we can jump it again I will run it up to the service station but otherwise I will have to call the tow truck. Phhhffft.
Also I have the cold I have been fighting so hard not to get. It is pretty cold. I got the snoods out, that's how cold it is.

This was taken after I sent Llewis and Conley out without their snoods and they came in shaking like mad.So I covered them up  nd Conley stuck his nose under the blanket, too.
Conley is the one who gets the coldest the fastest.
Doc doesn't seem to get cold except for his feet. It might have something to do with shaving between his pads when I groom him and do his feet.
I don't shave my feet but they are one of the first things to get cold on me, too.
The pretty red tow truck just towed my truck away. Van. Whenever I say "truck" John says "It's a VAN".
I woke up this morning thinking of a line from THE ELECTRIC HORSEMAN. So I fed the dogs and sat here at 5 in the morning and watched beautiful Robert Redford and listened to Willie Nelson.
I don't mind Jane Fonda no matter what she did or didn't do during the Viet Nam war. She did what she thought was right and that's all any of us should do, is follow our conscience and do what we believe is right.
(It doesn't make it right but it's what we do.)
These are the stretchy bracelets I made to sell for $20. Just thought I'd throw that in.

1 comment:

  1. lois & the hampshire houndsDecember 16, 2013 at 10:15 PM

    nice bracelets!
    it's -8 out.
    3 bassets. get 3 dog coats on. 2 snoods. put them on.
    my coat, hat & gloves.
    go outside. yelling pee dammit pee. they insist upon walking to the far reaches of the tundra. everyone is out there doing the 3 legged hop. get everyone back to the porch as quick as i can & then undo the dressing.
    realize it took me longer to dress/undress them then it did to have them outside. toddlers. i feel like i am dressing 3 toddlers. gonna be a long winter.
