Monday, July 4, 2011


This will be short.
Walked over to the real house to take pics of the garden. It is solid weed. We hired a guy to mow the yard while we were gone and the back looks as if he did it with weedwhacker. Of course, it WAS rather long.

The house is totally depressing to be in. Empty and raw. No movement.
The yard was depressing.
The garden was extremely depressing.

I did find a replacement crate tray for Conley-- the one in the crate he is using is cracked and I was afraid he would catch his pads in the cracks and cut his feet to pieces.

Anyway it is a beautiful day and now I just want to sit and cry.
I miss my house. My garden. My neighbors. I miss my kids. (Like that's new.)

I guess what this says about me is that instead, I should be saying-- the house looks great, it's finally dry and ready to be rebuilt. The garden sucks but I can fix that with several days of work. The grass needs to be remown but by the time we move back in, the dogs will have been gone long enough that we will HAVE grass. And the neighbors say they miss us except for the one who doesn't speak to me.
And of course the most important thing of all: I don't have to worry about Conley catching his pads in the cracks under the crate pads.

Happy Fourth, I suppose.


  1. lois, buster, miss sally who & lowla the fosterJuly 4, 2011 at 1:04 PM

    you will be home soon...i know not soon enough..any adventure gets old & this one certainly not of your choosing is old. it's time to go back to your home...

    maybe you can go spend time on the garden & stuff a little each week so that at least you can be "home"

  2. Yes--this adventure will be over before long and you'll have a lot to look forward to--the next "chapter!"
    Sandra & Bianca

  3. At least you have a home to go back to. Hard to be away no matter what and it hurts seeing things go untended. Time is passing and soon you and the boys will be back where you belong...
