Thursday, July 7, 2011


I have not kept up with the blog or actually, it has not kept up with me. Not that I am so busy you understand, but that there has been nothing except 4th of July Terrified Dogs to report upon anyway.

We have another meeting today with another person who is supposedly going to be doing something to the House. We are working on many decisions, which range from what to do with the floor to what to do about a furnace. Nevermind, it's boring, really it is unless it is your floor and your furnace.

Yesterday my new Yamaha Keyboard arrived. I say that as though it is in addition to the others but noooo, I have only the one, and what a monster it is! I expected something about 2.5 feet long but this!! Four feet, I would estimate with more buttons than a rocket launcher with foreign codes on them such as "database" and "split" and "p.a.t. on/off"------???? Never having even learned everything there is about my computer, I must admit when I opened it and looked at it my mind did a little "poof!" and a mushroom shaped cloud appeared above my brain.

And then the real crusher hit: as a kid, I could never read the bass, nothing below middle C made any sense to me at all. Guess what? Nothing has changed! Every Good Boy Does Fine may work above middle C but below it I am lost in a swamp of strange symbols and peculiar notes.
Time for lessons. Well in truth I had planned on that anyway.
I wanted to learn piano again, and knew even if I took lessons, not being able to practice was going to be a problem. This seemed like a nice way to replace a piano with buying into a Baby Grand and having to sell both the cars in order to get one. (Not to mention building an addition to the house in which to place it. Yes, I know how big they are: we had one.) (At 10 yrs old, struggling to play a highly diluted Dvorak, the Baby Grand seemed huge. I cannot imagine sitting down to a real Grand Piano and being expected to do anything besides whine "I caaaaaaaan't" which is what I said to Miss Smith, the ever-patient teacher every week.)
(Llewis shows his appreciation for Great Music. I had finally put the headphones on to reduce the irritation shown by other members of the family for "plink plink plink" repeated ad nauseum with slight variations in tempo and long pauses while I attempted to decipher the notes.)

Anyway Life moves on and here we are, nearly 6 weeks into living someplace other than our real home. The Garden is a shambles: I will have to start over next year, assuming we are back by then. We have made acquaintances with several neighbors and their dogs and gradually this house is acquiring the piled-up, lived in look of the other, pre-flood. And I know when we go back, nothing will really change. It'll be clean, and painted, and full of the same junk that we already have.
BUT that way lies madness.

         My totally ignored roses at the house, on the edge of the crumbling summerhouse
                   The baby Blue Jay we found in the bushes out back of the rental house.
                             One of my paintings I brough to liven up the naked walls.
                                                 One of the other paintings.
                              Waiting for DadPerson to come out of the bedroom in the morning.

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